Tattoo Aftercare...
1. Your tattoo artist will cover your tattoo with a bandage. Leave this covering on for 1 to 4 hours to prevent any bacteria from entering your new tattoo.
2. With clean hands, remove the bandage and wash gently with warm water and a mild anti-bacterial soap. Make sure you remove all traces of blood, ointment and secretions. Wash until the area feels "squeaky clean". Do not use a washcloth to wash your tattoo. This will be too abrasive to a new tattoo. Pat the tattoo dry with a soft clean cloth. Do not rub it. Do not use alcohol or hydrogen peroxide to clean your tattoo. It needs to stay moist in order to heal, and these products will dry it out.
3. Cover the tattoo with a very thin layer of an ointment, such as Aquaphor. Do not use Vaseline or petroleum jelly. It will fade the color of your tattoo. Remember to rub in fully, like when applying lotion. It should NOT shine or feel sticky. If it does, you are using too much ointment.
4. Once the tattoo's initial covering is removed, do not cover it again during the healing process. The tattoo will need to be exposed to the air in order to heal.
5. Wash the tattoo at least twice a day for the first week. Apply the ointment once or twice a day for the first three days, especially when you feel the tattoo is dry. Keeping it moisturized will ensure the least amount of scabbing and peeling, thereby reducing the fading of the color. Make sure your hands are clean each time you rub lotion on it.
6. After 3 or 4 days of using the ointment, switch to a moisturizing lotion. Use a fragrance-free lotion to prevent irritation. If it burns when applying lotion, wash it and apply a different lotion. Burning is a sign of irritation.
7. Do not swim, soak in a hot tub or take a bath for two weeks after getting your tattoo. Chemicals like chlorine and the bacteria found in most lakes will cause the tattoo to fade or cause an infection. If you see signs of an infection, seek medical attention. Soaking the tattoo will also cause the scab to come off faster and along with it, some of the ink.
8. Do not tan for at least two weeks after tattooing to allow it time to heal. After two weeks has passed, you may lie in the sun or go to the tanner as long as you put a layer of SPF 30 or higher sun block over the tattoo. U.V. RAYS WILL FADE YOUR TATTOO!! If you expose it to too much sun, you might end up having to get it re-done in a few years to brighten up the color.
9. Like any other wound to the skin, your tattoo will itch during the healing process. DO NOT SCRATCH IT. Scratching or picking will remove the scab and possibly some of the color from the tattoo. You may apply lotion onto the tattoo to relieve the itching.
Following these simple steps will ensure that you end up with the best result with minimal complications.
1. Your tattoo artist will cover your tattoo with a bandage. Leave this covering on for 1 to 4 hours to prevent any bacteria from entering your new tattoo.
2. With clean hands, remove the bandage and wash gently with warm water and a mild anti-bacterial soap. Make sure you remove all traces of blood, ointment and secretions. Wash until the area feels "squeaky clean". Do not use a washcloth to wash your tattoo. This will be too abrasive to a new tattoo. Pat the tattoo dry with a soft clean cloth. Do not rub it. Do not use alcohol or hydrogen peroxide to clean your tattoo. It needs to stay moist in order to heal, and these products will dry it out.
3. Cover the tattoo with a very thin layer of an ointment, such as Aquaphor. Do not use Vaseline or petroleum jelly. It will fade the color of your tattoo. Remember to rub in fully, like when applying lotion. It should NOT shine or feel sticky. If it does, you are using too much ointment.
4. Once the tattoo's initial covering is removed, do not cover it again during the healing process. The tattoo will need to be exposed to the air in order to heal.
5. Wash the tattoo at least twice a day for the first week. Apply the ointment once or twice a day for the first three days, especially when you feel the tattoo is dry. Keeping it moisturized will ensure the least amount of scabbing and peeling, thereby reducing the fading of the color. Make sure your hands are clean each time you rub lotion on it.
6. After 3 or 4 days of using the ointment, switch to a moisturizing lotion. Use a fragrance-free lotion to prevent irritation. If it burns when applying lotion, wash it and apply a different lotion. Burning is a sign of irritation.
7. Do not swim, soak in a hot tub or take a bath for two weeks after getting your tattoo. Chemicals like chlorine and the bacteria found in most lakes will cause the tattoo to fade or cause an infection. If you see signs of an infection, seek medical attention. Soaking the tattoo will also cause the scab to come off faster and along with it, some of the ink.
8. Do not tan for at least two weeks after tattooing to allow it time to heal. After two weeks has passed, you may lie in the sun or go to the tanner as long as you put a layer of SPF 30 or higher sun block over the tattoo. U.V. RAYS WILL FADE YOUR TATTOO!! If you expose it to too much sun, you might end up having to get it re-done in a few years to brighten up the color.
9. Like any other wound to the skin, your tattoo will itch during the healing process. DO NOT SCRATCH IT. Scratching or picking will remove the scab and possibly some of the color from the tattoo. You may apply lotion onto the tattoo to relieve the itching.
Following these simple steps will ensure that you end up with the best result with minimal complications.